Tag Archives: Tom Hiddleston

Thor: Ragnarok

Thor has always been the least popular Avenger that has his own movie (Hawkeye and Black Widow don’t count here), until now that is. They brought in a new director, they made him more light, they kept Loki on the side all along and there you go, it’s a success.

New Thor gets his hair cut (it’s a process, he cries), gets a new best buddy in both Hulk and Bruce Banner and possibly a new love interest, after Jane left him (good, very good, she did not belong in the MCU). Mark Ruffalo should really get his own movie by this point.

Of course, it’s all about the family drama – Odin decides to join his late wife and dies, but not before telling his sons that they have an evil older sister – Hela, the Goddess of Death. In the comics, she’s actually Loki’s daughter, but the new team is trying really hard to bring Loki around to the good side.

The movie is light, fun, full of comedy and colour. Chris Hemsworth is finally the movie star we all knew he could be, Cate Blanchett is having a lot of fun, and even Idris Elba plays along and shows some muscle.


We also see the other two internet boyfriends, Tom Hiddleston recuperating from the disaster move he made in dating Taylor Swift, and, surprise surprise, Benedict Cumberbatch. I don’t think Dr Strange has met any of the Avengers before, has he?

There are a lot of shirtless scenes for the ladies and one that I’m sure is going to make you swoon: Thor tells Loki he would hug him if he were actually there, and Loki replies that he is while proving it at the same time. For the first time ever (SPOILER ahead), the movie ends with the brothers on the same side. Enjoy!


Crimson Peak

Crimson Peak

Pentru publicul larg, Guillermo del Toro este cunoscut datorita filmului Labirintul lui Pan. Cei pasionati de comics il stiu ca cel care l-a adus pe Hellboy pe marele ecran (inca mai astept Hellboy 3!). Oricum ar fi, stim ca Guilliermo del Toro nu poate sa faca decat filme mult peste medie.

Crimson Peak e scris si regizat de el. Teoretic, e horror. Practic, e thriller. Iar imaginile sunt cu adevarat minunate, trebuie neaparat vazut in HD. O casa in varful unui deal, cu o gaura in mjlocul acoperisului. Un inel de logodna cu o piatra imensa. O usa intredeschisa care ne arata numai cat trebuie din camera in care o fata face baie. Sunt o groaza de elemente pe care del Toro stie sa le evidentieze.

Crimson Peak

Povestea incepe greu: Edith (Mia Wasikowska) vrea sa scrie, nu sa se marite.  Tatal ei (Jim Beaver – Bobby!) este unul dinc ei mai bogati omanei din oras si are grija sa o protejeze si sa o incurajeze. Alan (Charlie Hunnam), tanarul doctor abia intors in oras, o place, insa ea il vede mai mult ca pe un prieten.

Cand Thomas (Tom Hiddleston) si sora lui Lucille (Jessica Chastain) apar in oras, Edith este suprinsa de atentia pe care o primeste din partea lor. Se intampla mai multe lucruri si, cumva, ajunge sa se marite cu el si sa se mute cu familia Sharpe peste ocean,  in casa din varful dealului.

Crimson Peak

Nu e tocmai un film infricosator, si uneori actiunea o cam taraganeaza. Spre final devine destul de previzibil. Insa toate astea nu ii stirbesc din calitatea cinematografica. Enjoy!